
The following posters have been published by members of the Childhood Cancer Research Group and can be viewed in pdf format.

Place of death and hospital care for children who died of cancer in England, 1999-2006

Anjali Shah, Nicole Diggens, Charles Stiller, Dermot Murphy, Jane Passmore, Mike Murphy.
Presented at the NCIN Conference, London. June 2011; SIOP, Auckland, New Zealand. October 2011
Place of death and hospital care for children who died of cancer in England, 1999-2006

Geographical Variation in Recorded Incidence of Childhood Cancer in England and Wales, 1976-2005

Mary Kroll, Charles Stiller.
Presented at the UKACR/NCIN conference in Birmingham. June 2010
Geographical Variation in Recorded Incidence of Childhood Cancer in England and Wales, 1976-2005

Lifetime Hospital Contact After Diagnosis of a Childhood Tumour

Nicole L Diggens, Pat A Brownbill, Jane Passmore, Michael FG Murphy.
Presented at SIOP, Mumbai. November 2007
Lifetime Hospital Contact After Diagnosis of a Childhood Tumour

Second malignant neoplasms after AML in Great Britain 1970-2000

Jane Passmore, Pat A Brownbill, Anita M Bayne, Mike M Hawkins and Charles A Stiller.
Presented at the 14th European Cancer Conference, Barcelona. September 2007
Second malignant neoplasms after AML in Great Britain 1970-2000

Analysing Long-term Patterns of Medical Care for the National Registry of Childhood Tumours (NRCT) Using Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

Nicole L Diggens, Anita M Bayne, Pat A Brownbill, Charles A Stiller, Michael FG Murphy.
Presented at UKACR and NCR conference, Amsterdam. October 2006
Analysing Long-term Patterns of Medical Care for the National Registry of Childhood Tumours (NRCT) Using Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

Age related patterns in CNS tumor incidence with a focus on the adolescent and young adult (AYA) population

David Walker, Charles Stiller, Lynn Ries, Archie Bleyer, Anne Bendel.
Presented at the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology, Edinbugh. May 2005
Age related patterns in CNS tumor incidence with a focus on the adolescent and young adult (AYA) population

Does Pregnancy Smoking Affect Childhood and Young Adult Cancer Incidence in the Offspring?

Michael FG Murphy, Kathryn J Bunch, Pat A Brownbill, Michael J Goldacre, Rachel E Neale.
Presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Prague, March 2005
Does Pregnancy Smoking Affect Childhood and Young Adult Cancer Incidence in the Offspring?

Trends in Childhood Cancer Registrations Great Britain 1974-1998

Kroll ME, Draper GJ, Stiller CA, Murphy MFG.
Presented at Siop, Norway. September 2004
Trends in Childhood Cancer Registrations Great Britain 1974-1998